Showing posts with label Crap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crap. Show all posts

Yawn! Bored...

Hello again dear crap-followers, today having some time at the office waiting for the bloody client to response and cripple every inch of creativity that i have. I browse around to search for another ECO-Green idea for Rekatee and I remember something. My old CGH(Creative Group Head) is a happy-go-lucky guy. He always have an angle, have some quotes to cheer up the team, to motivate; to make a person move or as the late Arwah Yasmin would say, he got "Charisma." Anyway this CGH always ask me what is your goal, what is your goal; and if you reach your goal and whats then. I know there is no perfect answer for what is your goal, because our goals can always be change through environment, experience, and our lifestyle. Hence i told him my only goal in life is to do what i love and my love will move me, nevertheless at what time, or what age I'm at.

So for the time being, I love to do illustration. I love drawing since I first made a roar of my mom for painting all over the wall. Anyway tech goes everyday, updates, version, as music has, art also has to evolve. Nowadays everywhere there's a computer. Illustration as we know it evolve from a hack at the pyramid, to the airbrush, and now computer illustration.

So out of boredom, tonite i've created baby captain planet. so enjoy.
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